“Seeking Asylum is a Human Right”
Join a Team
All teams will receive training and ongoing support through networking with other teams,
mentoring, an informational database, and the partnerships and resources of the Colorado
Hosting Asylum Network.
At the center of every team are the guests and their hosts. A stable home and reliable access to
basic necessities such as regular meals, a safe environment, and a private room are crucial as
our guest rests, begins to recover from the trauma they have endured, and starts to build a new
life in the United States.
The host and guest usually begin their relationship while he or she is still in Detention, will be
involved in securing their release, and will receive the guest immediately upon release. This is a
long-term relationship – typically eight months or more – until our guest is able to secure a
work permit, a job, independent housing, and competency navigating their new life in a new
country. This can be a very meaningful and mutually beneficial relationship as each will learn
from the other as they walk this part of the road together.
Team Members
Our guests are strong and capable people, as evidenced by surviving their journey, navigating
the legal system they are a part of, and enduring immigrant detention. However, establishing a
new life in an unfamiliar place has many components and challenges. Each host is ideally
surrounded by a team of six or more who share the many responsibilities that support their
successful transition.
Each person is unique, as are their needs. Team members are responsible for either providing
themselves or locating whatever goods and services that are required. These may include, but
are not limited to, English language instruction, medical or dental services, mental health care,
transportation, legal services, social and recreational activities, and basic education. As with the
host, team members also have the privilege of joining the guest in companionship during this
part of his or her journey.
Professional Services
Professional services can be expensive, and sometimes beyond the financial ability of the team.
We welcome the donation of time and expertise in many fields, including medical care,
counseling, translation for our guest’s native language, advocacy, financial education, English
learning, GED preparation, and job readiness, among other things.