TOPIC: What about the crime that migrants bring across the border?
Question: How many gang members crossed the border?
Answer: In FY 2022, 321 gang members have been arrested.
Question: How many drugs cross the border?
Answer: In FY2022, 955 people were arrested for drug trafficking.
Drugs are usually smuggled through actual ports of entry but are sometimes found on people crossing illegally between ports. By weight, marijuana has been the most smuggled drug, but methamphetamine seizures are rapidly increasing. Cocaine and fentanyl are often seized also.
Question: Are children being “rented” over and over again in order for people to pose as “families” to get across?
Answer: Not likely. Most were with a relative or guardian.
“Rented children” refers to children who cross the border with someone who is not their parent for the express purpose of taking advantage of benefits and leniency available to families with children. Once their fake “parent” is across, the child is sent back to Mexico to perform the same service for someone else. Rapid DNA technology has been used at the border since 2015 and is capable of confirming a parent-child relationship within 90 minutes. Until 2021, it was used primarily by ICE to verify parentage before separating parents and children in custody. In mid-2021, the process was improved and now coordinates with Border Patrol to verify parent-child relationships.
Legitimate, but non-parental relationships can include stepparents, other relatives, or adults with whom the child has a real, custodial relationship. Data from pilot projects in 2019 to 2020, indicate that approximately 8% of children were found to not be with a biological parent and ICE investigated the relationship further. Most were found to be with a legitimate guardian.
Works Cited for Discussion
FBI National Press Office. (2020, September 28). FBI Releases 2019 Crime Statistics. Retrieved from Federal Bureau of Investigation: https://www.fbi.gov/news/press-releases/press-releases/fbi-releases-2019-crime-statistics
Open Borders. (n.d.). Human Smuggling Fees. Retrieved from Open Borders: The Case: https://openborders.info/human-smuggling-fees/
U.S. Customs and Border Protection. (2022, April). Enforcement Statistics. Retrieved from U.S. Customs and Border Protection: https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2021). Countering Human Trafficking: Year in Review (October 2020 to September 2021). Retrieved from U.S. Department of Homeland Security: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/2022-02/CCHT%20Annual%20Report.pdf
U.S. Department of Homeland Security. (2021). MYTH/FACT: Known and Suspected Terrorists/Special Interest Aliens. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Homeland Security: https://www.dhs.gov/news/2019/01/07/mythfact-known-and-suspected-terroristsspecial-interest-aliens